Scriptcase hosting
Scriptcase hosting


  • 1.0 - Released 2000 - "Fossil Version".
  • Since then, the tool has received periodic updates and improvements. The platform development started in 2000. The current prices are 400-$600 for buying the software (depending on how many databases are supported) per developer. The pricing model is about to shift from "buying the software" as till the end of 2016 to "lease as a service" from 2016 (due to a publication from the CEO to subscribers and current users of scriptcase from Nov 14th, 2016). But it also aims at the experienced developer, who can with Scriptcase put a lot more focus on business logic rather than editing forms, build database connections etc. It addresses Web Application Developers (both for desktops and for mobiles) in two ways: it enables starting developers with limited knowledge of programming (PHP, Java) and basic knowledge of databases (SQL) to build applications that read and updates data in Web Databases. Since then, it has been receiving regular updates. It is also possible to create infrastructure such as menus, login screen and security system with authentication, create tabs to group forms or queries to be executed on the same page. Scriptcase is Compatible with RTL (Right to Left) writing, support right to left writing prevalent on Arabic languages. Scriptcase allows users to write PHP to handle exceptions and create more complex validation). Complex SQL statements can be used ( sub-select, joins and even stored procedures).


    The generated reports can be exported to MS Word, MS Excel, PDF or printed.

    scriptcase hosting

    It permits development with JavaScript methods that can be used within the AJAX events and create applications with AJAX through a set of features and services with easy and fast hand coding, such as navigation between pages or sections, automatic validation of fields such as date, currency, zip code and social security number, among others. Scriptcase lets you create forms, queries in PHP, ranging from simple forms to forms having high level of complex elements to manipulate data from databases ( MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Interbase, Firebird, Access, Oracle, MS SQLServer, DB2, SyBase, Informix and ODBC connections).

    scriptcase hosting scriptcase hosting

    It also enables to add custom code to manage business rules and validation.


    Scriptcase can be used to create CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) applications.

    Scriptcase hosting