Groove agent 4 copy pattern to pads
Groove agent 4 copy pattern to pads

groove agent 4 copy pattern to pads

At 0%, the notes in clips will not be moved from their original positions before the groove is applied. At 100%, the notes in your clips will be snapped to the nearest note values, as selected in the Base chooser. Quantize - adjusts the amount of “straight“ quantization that is applied before the groove is applied.Notes in the groove that fall exactly on the grid aren’t moved at all, so the corresponding notes in your clips will also not be moved. At a base of 1/8th, the groove’s notes are measured from their nearest eighth note. A 1/4 Base, for example, means that the positions of the notes in the groove file are compared to the nearest quarter note, and all notes in any clips that are assigned to that groove will be moved proportionally towards the positions of the groove notes. Base - The Base chooser determines the timing resolution against which the notes in the groove will be measured.The Groove Pool’s controls work as follows: You can also save and hot-swap grooves via the buttons next to the Groove’s name. Grooves in the Groove Pool appear in a list, and offer a variety of parameters that can be modified in real time to adjust the behavior of any clips that are using them. Note: In Live Intro and Lite, grooves can be loaded from the browser and applied to clips, but cannot be edited in the Groove Pool. “Inactive“ grooves (those that are not being used by a clip) appear with their parameters grayed out.

groove agent 4 copy pattern to pads

The Groove Pool contains all grooves that have been loaded in this way or that are being used in clips. You can also double-click grooves in the browser to load them directly to the Groove Pool before applying them to a clip. Once you’ve applied a groove file, you can modify its behavior by adjusting its parameters in the Groove Pool, which can be opened or closed via its selector button at the bottom of Browser. In audio clips, grooves work by adjusting the clip’s warping behavior ( see 9.2), and thus only work on clips with Warp enabled. Grooves can be applied to both audio and MIDI clips. If you want to quickly try out a variety of grooves, you can enable the Hot-Swap button above a clip’s Clip Groove chooser ( see 8.1.7) and then step through the grooves in the browser while the clip plays. This immediately applies the timing characteristics of the groove file to the clip. The easiest way to work with library grooves is to drag and drop them from the browser directly onto clips in your Set. Live comes with a large selection of grooves, which appear as. The timing and “feel“ of each clip in your Set can be modified through the use of grooves.

Groove agent 4 copy pattern to pads